Floormania is committed to assisting our clients and staff through this outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Having a carefully coordinated and well-thought-out approach to the coronavirus should
help mitigate risks concerns for our clients while ensuring our ongoing commitment and
ability to service our client’s requirements.
1. Reinforce Good Hygiene Practices and Take Related Safety Precautions
The “General Duty” clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act generally requires employers to provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace that is free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm, and to comply with occupational safety and health standards and rules. Accordingly, we are taking preventive measures and safety precautions that may help to reduce the risk of contracting the coronavirus or spreading it in the workplace by advising employees to:
a) frequently wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20
seconds or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent
b) avoiding touching their eyes, nose and mouth;
c) covering sneezes or coughs with tissues, if possible, or else with a sleeve or
d) Avoid Shaking hands
e) Ensure gloves and masks are worn on job sites
f) avoiding close contact with people who are sick;
g) staying home when sick; and
h) cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and objects.
All Floormania Staff have been issued with a Coronavirus Health Information Fact Sheet
2. Suspended Travel
Encourage all staff to suspend non urgent interstate or overseas travel till further notice to
limit the risk of transmitting the disease
3. Educating our Workforce and Communicating Regularly with
Regular communication to educate employees on best practices in the workplace and to dispel myths and unfounded rumours, about the coronavirus itself and its potential impact on the workplace. As part of this, all employees have also been issued with fact sheets for
preventative measures.
4. Actively Encourage Sick Employees to Stay Home and Immediately
Send Sick Employees Home
If employees are sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick, they are advised to remain home until they are free of a fever, signs of a fever or other symptoms for at least 24 hours. This is especially important for employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness. In fact, CDC guidance specifically recommends that employees are sent home immediately if they appear to have symptoms of an acute respiratory illness.
5. Screen Visitors to the Workplace
A duty to protect visitors to the workplace, visitors are advised of any known cases of coronavirus infection among our staff if any. By the same token, visitors to the workplace, including staff, vendors and delivery persons, are being screened for exposure to or symptoms of coronavirus and must complete a declaration if they have travelled in to
affected countries, if so they will be excluded from the workplace.
Our Commitment to you as our valued clients
A duty to protect visitors to the workplace, visitors are advised of any known cases of coronavirus infection among our staff if any. By the same token, visitors to the workplace, including staff, vendors and delivery persons, are being screened for exposure to or symptoms of coronavirus and must complete a declaration if they have travelled in to
affected countries, if so they will be excluded from the workplace.
Our Commitment to you as our valued clients
The coronavirus continues to expand globally and rapidly, with new developments and outbreaks happening almost daily. Accordingly, it is imperative for Floormania to communicate with the workforce, take health and safety precautions, monitor information about the virus, and plan and prepare for emergencies. We have adopted a new system that allows our staff to work remotely if the need arises, allowing us to eliminate disruption to everyday business and can be in place very quickly should the need arise. We have a well-developed business continuity plan in place that will allow us to continue to support and serve our valued clients
Kind Regards
John Elasi